Monday, August 17, 2009

Procrastinating with Jane

Finally finished Mansfield Park today.
I maybe should have worked on job applications
- or my dissertation -

At least now it can no longer distract me. Right?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Visiting Amelie

So first I have to admit that I had not actually seen Amelie before visiting Paris for a friend's birthday a few weeks ago. But as the references to that particular film were strewn about our weekend visit quite liberally - "so this is where that scene in Amelie..." etc - I thought it might be worth a viewing. Rather enjoyed it and all of its artsy randomness.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and have included a few shots from around town. We ate and walked our way through the city for the better part of three days - it was fabulous!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Anywhere I Lay My Head

I typically become fidgety with a living space remaining the same for months on end. My solution to this has been to move 3 times in the last 23 months.

Ok, not really. That would just be a bit insane. Moving house does save me the trouble of rearranging house, which I am seriously prone to after several months. I suspect because I have a secret love of organizing and planning, for whatever reason, floorplans. Too bizarre?

In seriousness though, my foray back into student housing is coming to an end, which leaves me obsessively perusing estate agents websites as I attempt to find new digs in not just a new city, but a new country (leaving all of my poor, lonely furniture wasting away in my parents garage for an undetermined period of time). While simultaneously working on my dissertation and trying to procure a job in this lovely economic climate. Not overwhelmed at all. Then there’s the matter of how long to rent for as I am currently an unemployed student-visa holder with a steadily approaching expiration date. (Admittedly a little over-dramatic as I'm planning on an extension, but seriously, just one more thing to add to the list.)

In between probably unnecessary frenzies of frantic brain wheel-spinning, the anticipation makes transitory appearances. Would it be too much to ask if I could just find a pretty, affordable place like these to live in? I’ll take extra good care of it, I promise. Thanks!

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chocolate Guinness Cupcakes

These are the Chocolate Guinness Cupcakes I made in honour of St. Patrick's day last year. Note the festive green sugar. Basically just as they sound - chocolate cupcakes with Guinness in the recipe. Then homemade cream cheese frosting on top. If you look at the picture below, the cupcake looks like the tiny, dessert version of a pint of Guinness - with the frosting as the foam on top!

Monday, August 4, 2008